Military Affairs Committee - The Military Affairs Committee is a joint committee chaired by the Davis County Chamber of Commerce and the Ogden-Weber Chamber of Commerce and comprised of business, professionals and military/civilian employees.

The purpose of this committee is primarily to create connections between Hill Air Force Base, businesses, and the surrounding communities.

Military Affairs Committee

Military Affairs Committee

The Military Affairs Committee aims to involve the community in relevant military affairs whenever possible. One way the committee does this is by holding the annual "Salute to Our National Defenders" picnic at Hill Air Force Base. More than 3,000 soldiers and civilians attend the fair every year.

Military Affairs Committee (mac)

The committee also donates to military projects and military projects throughout the year. This gave the country's soldiers the opportunity to express their gratitude at the same time, while giving the community the opportunity to learn about military affairs.

If your business would like to learn more about donating to the Military Affairs Committee through its patron program, please contact the Davis Chamber of Commerce today!

If you or your business has an interest in the military and supports the agency's mission to develop relationships between businesses and military personnel. You would be a good candidate for this committee.

Senior committee members will receive email communications about committee activities and upcoming activities at Hill Air Force Base. The Executive Committee meets the first Monday of each month at the Davis Conference Center to discuss current committee and military affairs. Members of the Executive Board may be assigned annually to the Board of Directors.

Guide To Senate Records: Chapter 4

There is an additional fee of $125 to be part of the Military Affairs Committee. These funds help support projects and initiatives determined by the Military Executive each year. We are always looking for new members. To apply, click here or call or text the Davis Chamber of Commerce at 801-593-2200 for more information!

Everyone needs backup, even you. Get your business the way your organization needs it. Join the Davis Chamber of Commerce today! The Military Affairs Committee, also known as MAC, was established in 1946 and is the largest committee of Bay County businessmen, serving as a liaison between the civilian and military communities, MAC I have organized many social events. Honoring New and Departed Leaders As one of the co-sponsors of the Tyndall Air Show, the committee is nationally recognized for its accomplishments and contributions to the Armed Forces. Many communities across the country organize their organizations around our MAC. This committee is a great way for you to get involved and show your support for Bay County's areas of economic importance.

MAC's mission is to promote the development of the Bay County military community, which refers to the military installations located in Bay County, military and civilian personnel assigned to the facilities and departments. The military community is an important contributor to Bay County's economic, civic, and cultural life.

Military Affairs Committee

Members of the Bay County Chamber of Commerce or Panama City Chamber of Commerce can join the MAC for a $50 one-time entry fee and a complimentary portion for each event. Successful members of the district's business group can join the MAC for a one-time fee of $100 and a share of each event. There are also corporate members.

File:jay Taggart, The Belton Chamber Of Commerce Military Affairs Committee Chairman, Receives A Certificate From

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